Marnie Marcus

Share Your Story. Educate Your Customers. Create Loyalty.

Many times what's holding us back in our lives and businesses is happening at an energetic or emotional level. Limiting beliefs, past traumas, even generational patterns can sabotage your success. Moving these things out of the way, liberates you to act in positive ways to reap desired results in your life and business. Marnie offers both individual sessions and group energy sessions to address typical challenges entrepreneurs face.

What's the difference between Energy Therapy and Talk Therapy?

Generally in "talk" therapy there is a lot of going over the same issues, which can take lots of time and many sessions. When working with energy, you don't have to relive every detail of a past trauma in order to release it from your system. Your inner wisdom already knows all the details; we just need to find the emotion(s) held with that memory. Through certain techniques, those emotions (anger, fear, betrayal, etc.) are released from the body AND the energy field. This doesn't erase the memory of the incident, but releases the emotional potency of it, so it is no longer a barrier in your life. Energy Therapy gets to the root of the problem on an energetic and emotional level effectively and efficiently.
Marnie is a Certified SimplyHealed PractitionerTM and is trained in this form of energy therapy, which she also refers to as belief-shifting work.

Learn more about the science of energy work here.

Individual Energy Therapy Sessions

Book a Single 50-minute Energy Therapy Session
with Marnie for $197

Or Save and Purchase Three 50-minute Energy Therapy Sessions
with Marnie for $547

Do you live a stressful lifestyle?
Consider Putting Marnie on Retainer
Click here for details

Recorded Energy Therapy Sessions on Specific Topics

An economical alternative to working one-on-one with Marnie is to purchase one of her pre-recorded downloadable programs. You may work through and listen to these at your convenience.

Breakthrough Analysis Paralysis

Nothing holds entrepreneurs back like decision-making paralysis. Obsessing over which path to take kills time and creativity and keeps you from making progress toward success. The answer? Fast decisions and fast action. But this is a challenge for many of the entrepreneurs.

In this session we'll work through...
  • fear of regretting your decision later,
  • fear of picking one thing and missing out on all the other possibilities, 
  • fear of being disappointed in your choice, 
  • fear of suffering the ramifications of a wrong choice.

Many people suffer from decision paralysis because they were punished or judged for "wrong" decisions in the past.

If this is you, attend this powerful energy-shifting session and breakthrough the fears associated with indecisiveness. In no time, you'll be making wise, swift, and informed decisions that keep you moving forward along the path to success.

Length: 60 minutes
MP3 Audio recording and Affirmation PDF will be made available after the live call.

Attract Your Ideal Clients
This Energy Session Audio will help you identify and attract your ideal clients and customers. Includes Ideal Client Attraction Template, training on identifying your ideal customers and energetic connection to those ideal clients and customers.

Length: 90 minutes
MP3 Audio recording and Ideal Client Attraction Template will be made available.

Radiate Your True Value and Command What You're Worth
Are you valuing yourself and your true worth? If not, it could be affecting your business and your bottom line. In this energy-shifting audio we'll connect you up to your value and release anything standing in the way of you accepting and feeling your true worth.

Length: 60 minutes
Audio Download and Handout: $29

Amp Up The Vibration on Your Business
80-minute energy session for your business. Did you know your business carries an energy? Past disappointments, conflicts or unresolved issues in your business can linger and create less-than-optimal results. In this session we'll optimize the energy in your business, releasing any negativity, past upsets or trauma. Even web sites carry energy, and we'll optimize that too. Past upsets can also disconnect you from your business. If you aren't fully connected to your business or projects, results suffer. In this session we'll reconnect you to your business and projects, and raise the vibration on your enterprise and web site... opening you up for optimal results and business growth.

Video, MP3 Audio recording and Affirmation PDF

Laura West from talks about Marnie's Energy Therapy (Belief Shifting) Work...