Are You a Light-Bearer? 
(Someone With A Message To Share With The World) 

But You're Burnt Out?
Feeling Like a Fraud?
Frustrated Because You're Not 
Getting Your Message Out and 
You Don't Understand What's Wrong? 

"Release Your Blocks, Shift Your Beliefs 
and Claim Your Brilliance!"


    As an online publisher, I've worked with thousands of authors, coaches, consultants and experts in diverse industries since 1998. I've spent years mapping the creative cycles and common obstacles that inspired creative entrepreneurs go through. 

    For instance, here are 5 common blocks that light bearing entrepreneurs face when they hit the Transparency Phase of the Light Bearer Process:

  • you may have stalled out on a plateau that's left you feeling apathetic, even bored with your business.
  • you may feel like you're being tested on the very thing you're teaching.
  • you may long for something "more" but can't quite put your finger on what that is.
  • you may crave an innovative idea that rejuvenates you, but feel stuck in the blahs.
  • you may have hit a personal challenge that's left you feeling incongruent with your message (Some call this the "Imposter Syndrome).
  • you may know how to coach others to a higher, more passionate life, but your own relationships suck the joy out of your sails.

I want you to know that this is ABSOLUTELY normal. The Transparency phase of the Light-Bearer process occurs right before you breakthrough to the next level of shining at a brighter, more influential level.

    I'm all-to-familiar with this phase myself. I know what it feels like to be blocked, frustrated or in a funk, and I've developed systems and methods for helping you transition smoothly to a positively energetic place.

     What if I told you that within 6 weeks, you could be...

Feeling the old blocks shift and disintegrate. 
Noticing your energy moving in a positive direction.
Having fun with your business and feeling ecstatic about your work..
Feeling confident in yourself, the products and service you're offering and feeling completely aligned with your work.
Passionate about the impact you're making in the lives of your clients and customers.
Feeling completely free with limitless possibilities, yet focused and clear about your purpose and passion.
Filled with hope for the future and excitement about your big dreams.


People tell me after this work, they feel lighter, freer and are able to take action in their businesses like never before.

I'm thrilled to see the progress my clients are making! 

     As you become completely aligned, authentic and passionate about your projects you'll . . .

Unleash your creativity 

Get your message out into the world
Attract more clients and opportunities
Remove the invisible barriers that have been blocking you so you can start making more money.
You'll feel that sweet spot of congruency!

Introducing ...

The Traversiamo System
(Traversiamo is an Italian word meaning "to cross over,"
and that's exactly where you are... crossing over to your
highest and greatest work yet!)


Here's What You Receive in My Traversiamo System:


What Is Energy Work?

The SimplyHealedTM Method is a gentle means of quickly removing past trauma, generational patterns, and negative beliefs and installing positive affirmations so that you get swift results. No "psychic ability" is involved. It uses a combination of kinesiology (aka muscle testing) and active listening to assess and identify trouble areas to move them out of the way. 

Session 1: Initial Private Assessment Before you travel somewhere new, it's always a good idea to assess where you are. In this 1-hour private session, we'll look at what's coming up for you, your goals, and where you're feeling stuck. We'll also do some belief-shifting work to clear a path for you to move forward confidently and freely. 

Session 2: Valuing Yourself. The ground is shifting under your feet. What worked for you in the past doesn't seem to be working anymore. This can greatly affect your self-esteem and confidence. In this private call you'll come away seeing your unique value and accepting yourself at a deeper level. What's happening in this phase is not a reflection of who you are. You are so much more, and this phase will pass as you find the spiritual lessons laced within it. 

Session 3: Black Blobs and What to Do About Them.  This phase of the process is characterized by what I call "black blogs on your glowing ball of light." Hidden within your strengths are weaknesses and during this phase those weaknesses are going to surface in ways that can be downright painful. In this private consult we'll take a look at the lessons from the black blobs and how to remove them gracefully.

Session 4: Becoming the Creator of Your Own Life. Most women going through this phase feel powerless to control what is happening to them. While surrendering is a big part of the lessons to be learned during this process, it's also about stepping into your own power and co-creating your ideal life with God. In private session I'll give you a formula for doing that and help you implement it in your life.

Calls are ideally spaced a week to two weeks apart. 

Let's Traversiamo!

Break Free of Repeating Patterns. Do you keep cycling back around to the same old challenges? Break free of them once and for all!

The Traversiamo System

One Payment of $479 2 Payments of $249
* Billed in two monthly payments

Call Me To See If This Is a Fit!

If you have questions about this system or would like to discuss if it's a fit for you, we can set up a time to chat. Either email me at or visit my calendar here and schedule a 15-minute chat.

What People Are Saying About Working with Marnie ...

"Marnie’s creative shift work is amazing! I worked with her as I was making a big transition in my business to step into a bolder passionate message. She helped me to move all those pebbles that were preventing me from shining brightly and confidently in my new message. It’s those subtle, unconscious things that get in your way. Marnie is truly masterful at helping you identify what your pebbles and rocks are. She’s so committed to helping you remove those blocks so you can show up as your most powerful self!" 
          - Laura West,


"I've been on a major roll with my product...with the help of SO many! Folks have come out of the wood work insisting that I get this product on the market, whatever it takes! One after another they have come forward and said 'what can I do to help.'  Dang me, don't know what you did to me, but I like living in this world where anything is possible! I owe you a debt of gratitude! I am so excited to send you my first product!"

Carrie Tucker
Your Sacred Breathing Handbook


"Marnie shares her intelligence and talents with wit, she shares them with patience. She's articulate, she's organized in her thoughts. She doesn't lose us. We follow along and we get it. Lastly, we know we can do it. She infused us with the confidence to know we can."

Victoria Fielding
Light Sojourn


"Marnie brings clarity to any situation. She has a gift for explaining things in a way that opens new doors of understanding, and brings insight to personal experiences. She recognizes the strengths and needs of her students, and brings her message right into their hands. Her insights will change the way you handle your life, and improve the results you attain."

Jamie Bartschi


"For the past 16 years, Marnie Pehrson's consulting and mentoring has been invaluable to me as a business owner. Her constant encouragement, idea generation, and action steps have helped me create several profitable businesses. She has taught me through word and example how to believe in myself, trust my heart, and persistently reach for my dreams. She is a person of action and will elevate your business if you're ready to act."

Eileen Voyles
Pinnacle Service Team


"I’ve had the pleasure of getting to know Marnie Pehrson over the last several years; first as members of the same Mastermind, then we (and several other women marketers) hosted a live event together. After that, I participated as an author in one of Marnie’s collaborative book projects, plus she has been a speaker on several of my telesummit events.

Throughout all of those experiences, Marnie has been unfailingly warm, kind, generous, giving and extremely knowledgeable…in short, an absolute pleasure to work with…but the most amazing quality Marnie has is her ability to rapidly take an idea and put it into action.

If you are looking for an incredibly smart, successful mentor to help you get your light into the world, then look no further, because Marnie’s your gal!"

Ellen Britt
Marketing Qi


"As a Mom and a woman in business, sometimes I feel a little fragmented and at the same time heavy with burdens. My SimplyHealedTM sessions with Marnie quickly refocus and recenter me, pulling me pack together and lightening my burdens. After my last session I literally felt like I shed 100 lbs, and physically I started shedding weight in the following week, AND I understood internet marketing a lot more clearly! Marnie's style and personal presence, even over the phone, is simple, powerful and light. I come away from my sessions with her refocused, clear about my next steps, and more clear about my personal message."

Liz Bradley


Note: If this program isn't a fit for you,
click here for more ways you can work with me.


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Copyright 2014, Marnie Pehrson, All Rights Reserved
CES Business Consultants and  Pehrson Web Group 
Questions? Call 706-866-2295