Facebook Ad Analysis

  • Facebook advertising analysisHave you been playing around with Facebook ads or post boosts?
  • Maybe you have a virtual assistant or team member helping you with Facebook Advertising, but you’re not sure the strategy being used is the best one.
  • Perhaps you aren’t sure if you’re gathering audiences from your site like you should be so you can retarget effectively.

Perhaps you’re not in the market for someone to actually manage your Facebook ads on an ongoing basis. But you’d like some professional input on your ad campaign. Would you like a professional to perform a Facebook ad analysis to make sure you’re getting the best results from your advertising dollar?

If so, I offer Facebook Ad Analysis Services. With this service I take a look at your account to

  • make sure you have all your tracking pixels installed properly,
  • make sure you have your audiences set up optimally.
  • analyze one campaign that you’re running to determine where you could be optimizing more fully and getting better results from your advertising dollar.

Initial Facebook Ad Account Analysis
Only $79

Each additional campaign you wish analyzed
after the first one is only $49
I’ll analyze the audiencess and ads within the campaign and
offer feedback on any recommended improvements or strategy adjustments.